Defend. Advocate. Support. Amplify.
Still She Rises is the first holistic defense office in the country dedicated exclusively to the representation of mothers in both the criminal and civil legal systems.
The Problem
Women are the fastest-growing prison population in the U.S., with Oklahoma leading this trend at twice the national rate. Traditional models of defense unfortunately do not typically allow advocates to address the issues that often underlie women's incarceration or the devastating consequences that stem from it, including the loss of children.
Failure to address these factors at the front-end of the legal process reinforces the cyclical nature of incarceration among women and further destabilizes their families.
The SSRT Approach
Still She Rises is based at ground zero of this crisis, applying the model of holistic defense to its work in serving women in North Tulsa. By tailoring our legal strategies to the unique challenges faced by mothers in the criminal legal system and broadening the scope of our work beyond the criminal case, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and instability that so often correlates with the incarceration of a mother.
Still She Rises clients have access to an interdisciplinary team of attorneys, legal advocates, resource specialists and investigators committed to fighting by her side to preserve the dignity of her family and advocate for her rights.

Our team members tailor their representation to the needs and stated wishes of each client, engaging with them to deeply understand their experiences and prevent long-term damage to their families. Working closely with attorneys, our investigators find evidence and witnesses that can help us fight on behalf of our clients.

Our advocates mitigate the collateral consequences of criminal injustice involvement by representing clients and their families in spaces where the traditional right to counsel does not exist but the impact of a criminal case is deeply felt, including family and housing court.

Our social workers and legal advocates support clients as they address the issues that drove them into the criminal legal system in the first place, connecting them to public benefits and vital services like substance abuse treatment, counseling, and child care.

Our team works closely with members of the North Tulsa community to foster deep and ongoing relationships and to combat entrenched injustices facing this community. We determine our program strategies and policy priorities based on the needs of our clients and their community and are dedicated to continuously adapting to meet those needs.